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How You Can Find Success at UCA!

This is my eighth year at UCA. Having attended online school for such a long time, I have
learned some things that help me be successful in an online environment.

First, attending Live Lessons is really important. If you miss a Live Lesson, the recording is
helpful, but attending in person is great because you can ask questions in the chat pod and you get to interact with the other students. I think social interaction with the other students can be fun and important.

I often get busy doing my schoolwork and sometimes forget what time it is. It can be
easy to forget a Live Lesson, so I set reminders. Use Alexa, put a reminder on your phone, set a timer, have a classmate text you, whatever you need to do so that you remember to go to the Live Lesson.

Another great tool for success is In-and-Out. When that becomes available at your grade level, use it. It is a great way to connect with your teachers when you have questions. It is also a fun way to spend time with other students and have some social interaction.

Go to the field trips when you can. I know it isn’t possible for everyone to attend every field
trip. However, the school tries to have field trips in different areas in the state. Even if you only go to one, do it. They are usually educational and it’s a great way to meet fellow students and some of the teachers or staff.

Do your CBA’s (curriculum based assessments). It’s one of the few times you get to talk one-on-one with your teacher. If you have any questions, problems, or worries the CBA is the best place to take care of them. It allows your teacher to know what you need and can help you succeed in that class.

Lastly, if your teacher lets you retake a quiz or test to improve your score – do it. If they offer
extra credit – do it. If you can fix a portfolio to get a better score – do it. There are always opportunities to improve your grade, take advantage of them. If you are struggling with anything, reach out to a teacher. They want to see you succeed and there are many places to get help with subjects that are difficult.

Good luck – see you on the road to success at UCA!

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