What is NCAA?
NCAA is the National College Athletic Association, a non-profit organization that is member driven, and houses 3 major college athletic divisions - Division 1, Division 2, and Division 3. Each student athlete must meet eligibility requirements required by each division that houses their potential college. You may look up more information directly on the NCAA website, or reach out to your school counselor.
How do I become eligible?
Students that are looking to pursue a sport in college should register with the NCAA Eligibility Center. This is required f the school and sport you are looking to pursue is part of the NCAA organization. Visit the NCAA Eligibility Center for more information.

Registration Information
Students should register an NCAA eligibility account during their 10th grade year.
Students must be certified by NCAA Eligibility Center to compete at Division 1 and Division 2, before they can make official visits or sign National Letter of Intent
Athletes that want to compete at a Division 3 school must complete an NCAA Profile Page
What Do I Need to Register?
Valid student email that student will check regularly
Basic student personal information, student education history, and student sports participation history
Cost - $90 within US and Canada
Division I
Complete 16 core courses
10 out of 16 core courses must be completed before the 7th semester of high school
Must earn a core course GPA of 2.3
Earn SAT/ACT score matching your score course GPA on the Division 1 sliding scale
Graduate with high school diploma
Division II
Complete 16 core courses
Earn a core course GPA of 2.2 or higher
Earn SAT/ACT score matching your core course FPA on the Division 2 sliding scale
Graduate with high school diploma
Division III
Does not offer athletic scholarships
Students do not need to register with NCAA Eligibility
Graduate with a high school diploma
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